
Large parking lots can be mayhem, especially for facilities with multiple suites and individual entrances. Between the frustration of trying to find a convenient space to park and the confusion of the maze-like rows of one-way roads, people are going to need some help as they move around in your lot. If you own or operate a facility with a large parking lot, a few outdoor wayfinding signs will be a big help to visitors and employees alike. Post and panel signs by Salient Sign Studio are a perfect option for these wayfinding signs.
Parking Lot Wayfinding Signs
Have you ever been in a parking lot looking for the correct building, suite or wing? It’s frustrating driving around and around a busy parking lot. With some post and panel signs, you can make sure that your guests aren’t making circuits of your building. A little direction can go a long way to alleviating headaches and putting people at ease.
Post and Panel Signs for Your Parking Lot
Post and panel signs are an extremely versatile signage option. This makes them perfect for almost any outdoor need you might have. Using post and panel signs for wayfinding is simple. You can put building numbers or names on your post and panel sign and then add arrows that guide your visitors in the right direction. Having a few of these throughout your parking lot is a good idea. Then having smaller post and panels with more local directions, so for instance just office suites 60-70, and an arrow pointing the way. By combining these general and local directories, you’ll take a lot of the anxiety out of navigating your parking lot.
For Special Events
Another great way to use these signs in your parking lot is during special events. If you’re hosting an event in your facility, a post and panel sign can guide your guests to where they need to be and where they need to park. Because post and panel signs don’t have to be permanent installations, you can use these signs for a weekend event and remove them by Monday when you get back to your normal business.
Guide Your Guests
When it comes to making sure that your visitors are having the best experience they can have in your facilities, wayfinding signs are a necessity. Make sure that both your building and your parking lot are navigable with post and panel outdoor wayfinding signs.
Contact Salient Sign Studio for your wayfinding signage needs, indoor and out.