
Certain signage types are highly versatile. There are opportunities for a number of businesses and industries to use these types of signs in a number of ways. One of the more versatile options is a post and panel sign. This type of signage can be installed easily and removed quickly, making them a great temporary option. But they’re also made to be sturdy enough to stand up to different types of weather. Whether you need simple long-term signage or easy short-term signs, post and panel signs by Salient Sign Studio are a great versatile option.
Outdoor Wayfinding
Because of their versatility, post and panel signs are a great option for outdoor signage. One way that many businesses could use this type of signage is in their parking lot. Post and panel signs make awesome outdoor wayfinding signs. You can direct people around your parking lot easily with post and panel signs. The height of the posts allows your sign to be visible even above other vehicles. Depending on the number of businesses that share your lot, you can also choose smaller or larger panels. You can also use these signs to point out parking lot exits or kiosks where visitors pay for parking.
For Job Sites
Another great use for these signs is to hide an unfinished work site. When developers and construction companies begin their work, their job site is usually not pretty. This may be a problem for neighbors who may become frustrated with the work-in-progress. Post and panel signs can be installed to display the names of the company working on the project and even renderings of what the area will look like when the job is complete. This makes sure that people know the work is well worth it and what company they should call if they need similar work done.
Temporary Signage
Not all signs are as easy to install as post and panel signs. This easy installation means that removal is easy too. If you’re not planning on being in a location long, it doesn’t make sense to invest in permanent signage. A post and panel sign can serve as an awesome temporary monument sign that will get you noticed, as a landmark for your facility and can be taken down when you move. You can even use your post and panel signs when you move as temporary signage before you invest in something more long-term and ornamental.
Post and Panel Signs for Your Business
If you’re interested in post and panel signs for your business or facility, contact our expert team today!