
Vehicle graphics are a great advertising option for almost any business. If you use a vehicle in your day to day activities, you can benefit from this type of mobile advertising. It’s easy to reach a wide audience with vehicle graphics, but you’ll need graphics that are hitting the mark every time. If you’re interested in vehicle graphics, make sure that you’re not missing opportunities for your business to get noticed. By following these tips from Salient Sign Studio, you’ll make sure that your vehicle graphics are being seen and your business is getting the attention it deserves when you’re out on the road.
Proper Placement
The placement of your vehicle graphics is important. With a van, there are plenty of flat surfaces for your images. With a smaller car, though, your graphics may wind up being difficult for drivers and pedestrians you pass to read. For example, on smaller cars, graphics sometimes wind up on the back window. Often, this is not an ideal place for important information because, on smaller cars, this window is often angled. So, only vehicles with some height will be able to read your information. So, make sure that your most important information is placed where it will be easy to read by everyone.
Proper Size
If your vehicle graphics are too small to read, that is a major problem. Vehicle graphics need to be able to be read from a distance and most of the time while you’re moving. That means the bigger the graphics, the better. This is especially true for the messaging in your graphics, the bigger the fonts in your message, the easier they’ll be to read from a distance or while you’re passing people on the street. If you have limited room, make sure the most relevant information is as large as is practical.
Proper Information
On a similar note to the size of your text, choosing the right information for your message is important. You don’t want to bog down your graphics with too much information. This will be impossible to read in the time most people view your vehicle graphics. The important information also gets lost in the mix. Only include the most pertinent information on your vehicle wraps. For example, you’ll want to make sure that your name and contact information are on your vehicle. What you don’t want is your name and contact information somewhere in a long list of information that nobody will have a chance to read.
Vehicle Graphics for Your Business
If you’re interested in the best vehicle graphics, contact our team today!