
You really don’t want visitors getting lost in your buildings. This is a bad experience for you and your guests. It reflects poorly on you and it can be immensely frustrating for anyone who’s stopping by your office or store. There is a simple solution to this problem, though: signs. With the right signage, you can make sure that your business is easily navigable and that people don’t stress about finding their way around your building. The best signs for this job are wayfinding signs and directories. When you combine these signs, you get optimal guidance for your visitors.
Directories for Your Lobby
A directory is one of the first signs you want your visitors to encounter as they move through your building. Usually, these signs are found in the office lobby. These main directories usually are large and include the name of any businesses, departments or other divisions in your facility. They also list the suite number and floor where those areas can be found. This gives people a good indication of where they need to go in the building to reach their destination. It’s a good idea to include other directories throughout your building too.
Other Directories
One area where people might appreciate a directory is in the elevator lobby. These directories are a great reminder to individuals who are seeking out certain companies or areas in your facilities. People have a tendency to forget as they walk through a door, so having these directories by your elevator can help people as they enter and exit. You might also want to have smaller directories specific to each floor. You can include these on walls or at the intersections of hallways. As people get out of the elevator they might space on where they’re headed. When they see the floor-specific directory, they can easily figure out where they need to be.
Wayfinding Signs
A few directional markers, when combined with your directories, can make your building a cinch to navigate. For example, using wayfinding signs to point the way to your elevators, restrooms, stairwells and emergency exits is important. They make it easy for people to find these essential areas in your facility. But you can also use wayfinding signs in hallways to point the way to certain suites. These signs work well at intersections or doorways where a guest may start to question which direction they should head in.
The Best Wayfinding Signs and Directories
If you need wayfinding signs and directories, contact our team today to discuss your options!