
The writing is literally on the wall sometimes. The chances are it is time to give your marker a good cleaning or to pursue new business signage when your primary identification building sign is covered with graffiti or the poor victim of other acts of vandalism. However, most of the time, the indicators that your markers are underperforming are much more subtle. As a matter of fact, the untrained eye may not be able to see the symptoms of a failing sign. To help you out, here are our telltale signs that you need our sign repair and restoration services in Detroit Michigan:
- Your wayfinding markers are not Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant. This could cost you thousands of dollars in fines and lost sales.
- You use window graphics for your primary identification, which are barely visible at night, unlike LED illuminated channel letters.
- You are located near a busy freeway, but your pole sign does not have the height needed to be seen from this main artery.
- Your marker is lighted, but the illumination source dims and is hard to see in cold weather.
- More than a few longtime residents in the area have pointed out that they had never noticed your shop before.
- Your organization has a reader board sign that requires manually changing out the letters, whereas an LED message board would be much more efficient, low maintenance, and better for the environment.
- You got a cheap LED message board online, and instead of advertising your message, the sign is down all too often.
- After years in the direct sunlight, your message is virtually unreadable.
- The face of your cabinet sign is beginning to look like Swiss cheese from all of the damage it has suffered from wind storms.
- Rodents and other vermin have taken up residence in your sign, and the electrical components no longer work like they should.
- You rebranded a couple years ago, and your signage does not match your other marketing materials.
- You no longer provide the services listed on your signs.
- Your markers lack a memorable statement, motto, or slogan that sticks with consumers.
- Your signs were hastily created by the nephew of the boss using magic marker and poster board.
- You are violating local permitting ordinances or regulations with your signage.
- Your signs are overshadowed by your regional competitors as well as neighboring businesses.
- You are using neon, incandescent, or other less efficient light sources instead of LEDs.
- You operate a high-tech firm, but your markers are nowhere near state-of-the-art.
- You run a company in the entertainment business, yet your signs lack pizzazz.
- You have not had any routine maintenance or cleaning of your sign in over a year.
If any of these indicators sound familiar, you may want to contact Salient Sign Studio for our sign repair and restoration services in Detroit Michigan. To avoid having your signage reflect negatively on your business, call our friendly professionals today for a free consultation.